Do you know who said it?
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms
of energy, frequency and vibration".
This is Nikola Tesla, one of the most brilliant scientists in history and a great adept of Numerology and advanced technologies. Nikola Tesla revealed the sacred nature of the 432 Hz frequency. It is considered a mathematically compatible alternative chord that possesses healing energy and a harmonious impact on the human body.

You see, certain frequencies have a divine power. Frequencies that are good for your health.
As the old traditions affirm, everything in our universe is vibration. It is an energy field that is invisible, but has a visible manifestation.
What's behind 432?
Well, you're beginning to know me: 432 = 4 + 3 + 2 = 9.
General information on the symbolism of the number 9.
As 3 + 3 + 3, the number 9 evokes the divine power deployed: the Trinity expressed on the three planes of matter, man and God. The 9 represents cosmic totality.
The number of the Universe, and the curious thing is,
you find 432 in many circumstances.
For example, the Cheops Pyramid.

When you measure its sides at ground level, you get a length of of 432 STU (the standard unit of measurement
in archaeology).
Temple of the Sun at Teotihuacán in Mexico

Its sides also measure 432 STU.
The Mayan calendar

It is divided into 6 Katuns, long cycles of 20 years (7,200 days).
If you multiply 72 by 6, you get 432.
432 hz is also the frequency of
the planet Earth.
It is so closely related to Phi, the golden number, that it is considered sacred.
Mantra "OM"432 Hz

The "OM" sound in this piece vibrates at a frequency of 432 Hz, which is the same vibratory frequency found in nature. By singing it, or staying close to this vibration, we are symbolically and physically attuning ourselves to this frequency and recognising our link with all other living beings, nature and the universe.
CHARACTERISTICS of the 432 Hz frequency :
stimulates the cells to increase our spiritual awareness. Listening to it has profound effects on consciousness and vibratory levels. It harmonises the chakras and strengthens the neuro-vegetative system. This frequency acts on the frontal cortex, the pituitary gland, the endocrine system, the lungs, the neck...

We all come into the world with a certain energy that comes from our heredity, both physically and spiritually. At the beginning of our lives, we all have a specific potential. To be an artist, a businessman or an athlete. Only our limitations are defined at source. If we stray from what we were originally destined to be, the consequence is a strong dissonance that has repercussions on an emotional level. This creates imbalances and increases health risks. Treatments based on sounds, vibrations and frequencies can therefore be used to 're-tune' us. "re-tune" us. In other words, sound and vibration have healing powers.

Stimulates the cells to increase our spiritual awareness.
Frees the Heart Chakra and synchronises it with the Universe.
Has a profound effect on consciousness
and on the vibratory level by consolidating the neurovegetative system.
The benefits of 432 HZ frequency

By listening to music, or owning an energy disc, programmed with the 432 Hz frequency and vibration. You can reduce stress and anxiety. This vibratory frequency lowers cortisol levels (a hormone associated with stress) and releases endorphins, which have calming, analgesic and euphoric properties. We could reduce our stress and anxiety, increase our well-being and develop our intuition and creativity. Living better, quite simply!

This vibration evokes images and emotions that transport, inspire and uplift us. Ethnic sounds, the singing of Tibetan bowls and most classical music are based on 432 Hz frequencies. Bach, Mozart and Verdi, among others, were no strangers to this.
When using the frequency, it's important to take a few precautions. First of all, listen to your body and your intuition. It's important to emphasise that the frequency approach complements traditional medicine and in no way replaces it. Frequencies can be used as a tool to support our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Healing and transformation are complex processes that often involve multi-dimensional work
and an integrated approach.