Over time, other sacred frequencies were discovered, such as the Solfeggio frequencies, which were used in sacred music and energy healing. The Solfeggio system was lost for centuries, but was rediscovered in the 1970s by Dr Joseph Puleo, an American musician and therapist. This sacred solfeggio then comprised six frequencies: 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz,
639 Hz, 741 Hz et 852 Hz.
Later, other frequencies were discovered and added to the list of sacred frequencies, including 174 Hz, 285 Hz and 963 Hz.
This makes up a complete range, an ancestral range
with multiple benefits.
Each frequency has its own benefits for the body and mind, they can help with everything from emotional healing to improving concentration and creativity.

Sacred frequencies are now used in sound therapy, meditation, quantum products and relaxing music. As soon as our body is exposed to certain vibrations and frequencies, by listening or by being exposed in front of a product that is programmed on the concrete frequency:
Our body, soul and spirit begin to react and enjoy the benefits
of these frequencies.

Although some people are sceptical about the effectiveness of sacred frequencies, more and more people are discovering the amazing benefits of using them
in their daily lives.
Who can use the sacred frequencies?
The use of sacred frequencies is for anyone wishing to improve their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. There is no age or gender limit to the benefits of music and sound therapy based on these frequencies.

People seeking to reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia or chronic pain may find relief through the use of sacred frequencies.
Similarly, people looking to improve their concentration, creativity or mood can also benefit from listening to these frequencies.
Sound therapy based on sacred frequencies can also be useful for people suffering from spectrum disorders autism, attention disorders, high blood pressure, depression, eating disorders, addictions, memory problems, migraines and many other conditions.

Using this type of frequency also enables a whole range of spiritual work to be carried out, such as releasing ancestral memories, energetically cleansing the DNA and repairing it, and raising consciousness and vital energy to achieve inner peace. The sounds help to align the body, mind and spirit so that we can move towards
overall well-being.
It is important to note that music and sound therapy based on sacred frequencies are not medical treatments. They can be used to complement appropriate medical treatment, but should not be used as an alternative to professional medical care.

Pack of 10 discs Sacred Frequency Collection
The beneficial effects of
sacred frequencies
Each sacred frequency has a specific and significance. In the ancestral range, here are the virtues attributed to the main frequencies:
The 174 Hz frequency
Acts as a natural anaesthetic. As such, it relieves physical pain. Gives the body's organs a feeling of security and serenity, encouraging them to perform at their best.
The 285 Hz frequency
Allows cellular tissues to return to their initial state. Influences the body and the chakras by transmitting a message to rebuild damaged organs.
The 396 Hz frequency
Helps to detach oneself from feelings of fear and guilt. It has a direct positive impact on the feelings that restrict a person. Interacts with hidden blockages and helps to free them.
The 417 Hz frequency
Promotes change in a person. Provides an inexhaustible supply of energy to transmute difficult and traumatic experiences.
The 432 Hz frequency
Stimulates the cells to increase our spiritual awareness. Liberates the Heart Chakra and synchronises it with the Universe. Has a profound effect on consciousness and vibratory levels by strengthening the neuro-vegetative system.
The 528 Hz frequency
Is particularly used for DNA repair. It is also known as the frequency of miracles. In the repair process. Helps to increase vital energy, illuminate the mind and raise consciousness.
The 639 Hz frequency
Helps to resolve relationship problems. The tuning fork stimulates communication between the body's cells and their environment. Facilitates communication, understanding and tolerance.
The 741 Hz Frequency
Focuses more on cleansing the cell of toxins. Helps to achieve a healthier, simpler life. It also helps to solve all kinds of problems by facilitating self-expression.
The 852 Hz frequency
Is linked to the ability to discern life's illusions and to glimpse what goes on behind the veil. Very effective in helping a person to become more open to the spirit. Also helps to uplift the cell.
The 963 Hz Frequency
Promotes self-control and the expression of one's true nature through unity. It reconnects you to spiritual and universal energy.
When using the frequency, it's important to take a few precautions. First of all, listen to your body and your intuition. It's important to emphasise that the frequency approach complements traditional medicine and in no way replaces it. Frequencies can be used as a tool to support our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Healing and transformation are complex processes that often involve multi-dimensional work and
an integrated approach.
The little-known sacred frequencies

Sacred music theory is becoming increasingly popular, but there are many other frequencies that are also 'sacred'. Based on mathematics, numerology or simply frequencies derived from Nature, they enable living beings to draw inspiration from the world around them. resonate with them with them
to receive healing.
Among the frequencies that can be described as sacred are : 11 hz, 22 hz, 33 hz, 44 hz, 55 hz, 66 hz, 77 hz, 88 hz, 99 hz, 111 hz, 222 hz, 333 hz, 444 hz, 555 hz, 666 hz, 777 hz, 888 hz, 999 hz, 1111 hz, 2222 hz, 3333 hz, 4444 hz, 5555 hz, 6666 hz, 7777 hz, 8888 hz,9999 hz but also the Schumann resonance frequency (7. 83 hz), the 2675 hz frequency, the singing frequencies of animals such as dolphins and whales, and the frequencies of the planets, the Sun and the Moon. Many other frequencies exist, such as the frequencies of Dr Royal Rife and all the frequencies of our surroundings, because, remember,
everything is vibration and therefore frequencies.