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Marble Surface

*This product is not intended to replace medical treatment, whatever the consumer's pathology. We remind you that the delay in instituting a conventional medical treatment can lead to a loss of chance of cure or improvement of a serious pathology.

The Hermes Shield / Lakhovsky disc

This disc has 2 different sides: on the front the Hermes Shield, on the back the Lakhovsky H9+ circuit. The Hermes Shield has an extended protection function, the Lakhovsky circuit will bring a scalar wave which will transport the information emitted by the shield to a person, an animal or a witness object (photo, letter, etc.)


  • Metal: copper and gold
  • Disc material: resin
  • Diameter 100 mm
  • Thickness 1.6 mm


The Hermes Shield, a radionic transmitter :

The creation of this disc is the result of the collaboration between Monseigneur Damien Théodore Diefenthal, Reverend Father Jan Diefenthal, Raphaël Dajafée and Cédric Reynaud.


The Shield of Hermes :

It is an extraordinary radionic transmitter which gathers all the pentacles of the esoteric tradition. It allows to act in all the fields of actions of the pentacles which are integrated into it. The Shield of Hermes works like a radionic clock that activates each pentacle according to the needs of the moment and the personal astrological theme. The Shield of Hermes brings universal protection to its wearer.


Use " in consciousness ":

The disc can be worn or placed close to the person concerned. It can also be used in action at a distance, by placing the photo of the person concerned. It is essential to ask permission beforehand. Intent is very important for optimal effectiveness. It is to say or think, the next phase. It can also be written on a sheet of paper on the disc:


" Day after day, every second, every minute, every hour activates the pentacles of the HERMÈS Shield and I benefit permanently from the benefits and help of the pentacle(s) I need, and this, without any inconvenience. "


On this disc are :

  1. The 14 Pentacles of the Key of Solomon
  2. The 6 Major Pentacles
  3. The Lakhovsky Circuit


  • The 14 Pentacles of the Key of Solomon :

The outer pentacles are from the Clavicle Salomonis (The Little Key of Solomon) manuscripts written between the 15ᵉ and 18ᵉ century, here they are from the noon position :


Saturn: Against obsessions. Against all adversities.

Venus: Against evil spirits. To attract all sympathies.

Mercury: To open doors. To develop psychic faculties.

Sun: To facilitate splitting and levitation Ambition, glory.

Moon: To reveal the secrets of nature. To break through obstacles.

Mars: Against trials. Against diseases.

Jupiter: To develop clairvoyance. Against all dangers.


  • The 6 major Pentacles :

The Son: Against backbiting, slander, evil spirits.

The Mother: Against diseases, accidents, epidemics.

The Queen: To preside over engagements and marriages, preserves households and unions.

The Circle: For lotteries, card games, races, against thieves.

The King: Success in business, exams and enterprises,

helps to get rich.

The Father: Against insomnia, nightmares, anxiety,

gives strength and courage.


  • The Lakhovsky circuit :

This new design has 5 circuits on the outside for a total of 17. The disc emits on more harmonics, its vibratory rate is even greater.

Lakhovsky disc - The Shield of Hermes

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