Model Number: Cross Necklace
Material: Hematite and lapis lazuli
Gender: Unisex
Size of the cross:
- Length: 3.5 cm
- Width: 2.3cm
Hematite is a very effective protective stone that prevents negative energies from entering the aura .
It balances body and mind - yin and yang . Mobilize hidden forces. It increases self-confidence, reliability, credibility, focus, improves memory and develops personality. It helps women overcome shyness. In Egypt, it was worn as an amulet that protects health. It drives away anxiety and insomnia. It helps fight overeating, smoking and other bad habits. It strengthens, regenerates blood production and eliminates all diseases associated with the blood. It supports the production of blood cells. It helps straighten the back and better heal broken bones, joint pain and healing from illness. It has a beneficial effect on the skin with acne, psoriasis, eczema or hair problems.
Lapis lazuli is a stone of balance , truth and wisdom
Help with meditation. It evokes inner peace and tranquility, encourages joy, courage, love, honesty and creativity. Strengthens interpersonal relationships. Increase self-confidence. Improves communication, supports personal growth.It can relieve stress, and also be a great aid for body detoxification. It supports the proper functioning of blood circulation. Strengthens the immune system. Helps to counter depression. Strengthens hearing, smell and relieves insomnia.